
To be honest, I had actually forgotten about this blog. Can you believe it? Damn… I’ve been so busy with just, you know, surviving, living… that I actually entirely forgot about Manga, my life. for a few months. I literally only remembered about posting here today, while putting this collage together.

It’s an absolute given that I’m still reading lots of manga and immersing myself in that part of my hobbies, but I haven’t been in the right headspace to blog here in a long time now. Even now I’m typing this up in a rush as I spend the last few hours of 2022 as I always do, with my family.

Here’s my cosplay compilation from last year. In comparison I didn’t test anything new this year but actually managed to put together 2 new very simple cosplays for 2 different events, woohoo \o/

2022 summary collage:

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I totally forgot to write this before the clock struck midnight so here’s me turning back the clock for this a bit, haha!

Here’s my cosplay compilation from last year. Once again, I didn’t go through with any full, new costumes. To be honest, I’m a little surprised I still found the energy and motivation to even makeup test anything in 2021. Life and everything in general really kicked my ass. A lot of things have happened and I’ve had a few different personal experiences that don’t amount to much on the outside, but I think it’s helped me a little on the inside. I’m happy for that.

2021 summary collage:

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Last day of 2020!

It’s about 9.20pm where I am now and to be honest I’m struggling with even a simple blog update like this. As much as I’m trying to let loose, it’s still hard to post without thinking too much… which is probably the biggest block to my blogging motivation, maybe.

Anyway, here’s my cosplay compilation for 2020. You can find my 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and 2019 annual cosplay compilations here too!

2020 summary collage:

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Event: Gamestart 2019

The 6th edition of Gamestart was held 2 weeks ago, on 13 and 14 October 2018 (Sat and Sun) at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. I’d originally planned to head down to the event on both days, but some stuff came up and I could only go for it on Sat. It was just as well because I seemed to have misplaced part of the costume I wanted to wear for Sunday, haha!

Usually I wouldn’t care too much about these things since my cosplay plan was solo — especially if I was absent-minded enough to have lost a part of the costume — and just go for the event anyway, but I didn’t want to do that this time… at least not for Gamestart.
The thing about this event that is that it’s ticketed for convention-goers, S$12 if I’m not wrong? But if you were cosplaying, you could get into the event hall for free (the staff were pretty strict about it though). Which is what I did on Sat X))

To be honest, my experience on Gamestart this year really is nothing much at all. I actually feel like I have less to talk about it than I do for my experience at Prince Parade /o\ Continue reading

Event: Cosfest 2019

I’m always going to have backlog for my blog, but the most I can do is try to keep up a once-a-month-post… at least!! I’ve currently got some blogging momentum going though so I’m gonna try my best to ride this wave a bit.

SMASH happened on 13 and 14th July (Sat and Sun) and here’s my experience on it. I stayed in Sydney with 3 friends from Singapore for a week after that and the 4 of us flew back the next Saturday night, arriving in the wee hours of Sunday morning… before heading to another event the very same day we got back to Singapore 😀

Cosfest XVIII was held at Downtown East D’Marquee and its surrounding area on the 20th and 21st of July (Sat and Sun). The thought of dragging ourselves down to an event the day we came back was still up in the air the week before when we met up in Sydney, but that plan… solidified pretty fast. It didn’t take much goading for each of us to confirm our enthusiasm to attend and cosplay. I was an exception though since I’d already planned another costume if I wasn’t too tired for it /o\

Touched down at 2am, slept at 6am, got to Cosfest before 4pm (ง •̀_•́)ง Still have no idea how Puffy, Jin, Shanehh and I did it, but we made it happen.

P: Shanehh

It’s SMASH DAY 3! Jk.

P: Puffy

Who’s the loser who clearly didn’t get the memo on the right costume…

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Event: SMASH 2019

It wasn’t my first time at a convention overseas, nor was it my first time cosplaying out of the country, but 3 weeks ago I flew Australia with a few friends and attended SMASH for the first time.

SMASH! (Sydney Manga and Anime Show) is an annual Japanese pop-culture event that’s been organised for quite awhile now. It’s usually held at ICC Sydney (The Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre) and this year it was held on 13th and 14th July (Sat and Sun). I’ve heard about it and wanted to go for it for a number of years now, but finally got the chance to this year!!!

2 friends and I planned for a trip to Sydney for the convention, then stayed a week after for a holiday. We were joined by another friend from Singapore who stayed there longer too. In all honestly, the trip definitely would not have happened had we not made several really amazing Australian friends who housed us, took us around and introduced us to so many things while we were there. It’s pretty darn awesome how we all met through our mutual interests of cosplay and weeb stuff.

I was so busy running around that weekend I didn’t take many photos of the con grounds, but I’ve got other photos and waaaaaay too much to gush about /o\ 


*Note: Extremely word-heavy post with many photos.

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Event: Doujin Market 2019

I went back to check when the last time I posted about an event was on my blog and was a little ashamed to realise it was… last October’s Gamestart, HAHA. That means I’ve entirely forgotten (again) to share about AFA, Comic Fiesta and EOY again last year OOPS…

For now though, here’s a quick run through of the fun I had at Doujima last week 🙂

Doujin Market, a.k.a. Doujima, was held at Suntec City Convention Centre (Yeah, most of our Singapore cons are held there) last weekend, 4th and 5th May (Sat and Sun). It’s been 5 months since I cosplayed to a convention and was really looking forward to it!

*Note: Slightly photo-heavy post. 

*Photo heavy post*

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Event: Gamestart 2018

Besides STGCC 2017, I also forgot to write on Gamestart 2017 and need to catch up on that too! But for now, have my little experience from this year’s Gamestart 2018 🙂

The 5th edition of Gamestart Asia was held 2 weeks ago, on 13 and 14 October 2018 (Sat and Sun) at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

*Note: Photo-heavy post. 

I’d only planned to head down to the con on Sunday due to other commitments the day before, but it was just as well that there weren’t any guests nor special showcases etc. I was interested in catching this year. Also hadn’t planned to cosplay at all for the event, but then found out a few days before that instead of the S$12 ticket entry for a day, cosplayers would be able to get in free.

WELL, you might have heard how cheapskate Singaporeans are, yes? This is a prime example of how stupidly cheapskate I am to decide to rush a simple, incomplete costume out in 3 days.

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